304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM



Pharma Meet on Medicine Non-Compliance

he drive started in the year 2015 and culminated in 2018. The objective was to convey a subtle message to the diabetes patients that they should not stop the medicines without the consent of the doctor. Team SPAD travelled extensively and met different Big Pharma companies of India to convey their idea. It almost took a herculean effort of four years that pharmaceutical companies were convinced. The companies were so much inspired that they started printing the message on their medicine strips.

First Fashion Show of India by Type -1 Children

12 Novmber 2016 will be marked as red letter day in the history of SPAD. On this day entire Type-1 family of SPAD was busy in organising an event which in-general seems to belong to a special class of people. It was a Fashion Show! Truly and independently organised and participated by Type-1 Children. They all were full of zeal & vigour and presented themselves so beautifully that audience was left spellbound. The event was a mega-mega success and has created a history never seen or heard about.

Understanding Diabetes with Global Experts

Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India, fondly known as RSSDI shook hands with SPAD and invited them in their 43rd Annual Conference.The object of the programme was to convey the Modus Vivendi related to Diabetes to the audience and making people understand the global thinking about the disease and its management.

Theme Based Programme for Type-1 Children

27th october 2013, team SPAD organised a theme based programme for type-1 Children. The kids got an opportunity to show their creativity and talent on different programmes like singing, dancing, play, drawing competition and Exhibition along with a small fete. Event was a mega-success. Audience was spellbound looking at the ability of the children. Many of them went back with a feeling that competency of diabetic type-one is no less than a normal child it is just that they have a live with a challenge.

Special Programme on World Diabetes Day

Empowering diabetes patient especially Type-1 friends is one of key objective of SPAD so on 14th November 2012 team SPAD celebrated World-Diabetes-Day. The core theme of the event was “Come Lets Celebrate- Today is our day”. It was a fun-filled event, where type-one children actively participated in all the activities of the programme and witnessed that they all can efficiently manage any affair of life and giving them equal opportunity is a social responsibility. They don’t lack anywhere.

National Type-1 Diabetes Meet

On 27th january 2007 , SPAD organised a National Type-1 Diabetic Meet where in more than 400 Type-1 diabetes patient participated from all across India. It was first National work-shop of its kind. Myths related to diabetes were solved. Misconception, Social issues and Career prospects for type-one friends were discussed. Many other Pan-India organisations related to diabetes welfare got inspired from this and started taking welfare initiatives for Type-1 friends.